Sunday, January 8, 2012

Separating the Mixture

1.       The first step of separating is to remove the toothpick from the heterogeneous mixture.

2.       Take out the button from the mixture.

3.       Next take a beaker, and put the funnel over it the beaker and put the filter paper in the funnel.

4.       Pour the heterogeneous mixture into the funnel.

5.       Take the left over to and put it in the dish.

6.       Take the magnet and closely and slowly hover it of the leftovers.

7.       Now separate the rock from the sand.

8.       Take the beaker full of water and put it on the heater.

9.       Let the water boil until there is none left. Using the tongs to take the beaker off the heater. The left over mineral is salt.

The seven items in the heterogeneous mixture: salt, small rock, toothpick, button, iron shavings, water, and sand.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom - Why is this true?

I think this means that education is the key. Precisely a golden key to the door of your desires is what the quote means. Down in your heart you have a desire, let’s say to be the best baker in the world. The way to get there is education in many subjects such as chemistry. To understand how much water to put in dough you need to understand chemistry. Now if you want to have a good job then studying hard you can earn a bachelor’s degree and with this people will see as a talented and hardworking individual and will be accepted into many jobs across the country. Freedom means that we have no stress to live freely without the worries of bills and other stresses. With money this can be removed from your life, you now opened the doors of freedom with the golden key, education.