Saturday, October 2, 2010

Spice up to slim down

How many people want to but can't?  Studies show that people who eat pepper than go exercise burn  more calories. The spicier the pepper the more the calories burned. the facts are real and are weird. The Capsaicin in hot peppers that kicks ( makes your tongue burn) raises your core body temperature, causing you to burn a lot more calories. According to the International Journal of Obesity hotter the peppers  greater the effect. So while making Chili's salsa or other sauces and curries, be sure to use the spiciest one you can find. The Habanero is the spiciest peppers, but to get very spicy have pure capsaicin. if you don't like spicy try the mild Pimiento.  Below is the spiciest pepper Habanero.

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